Industry Collaborations

Industry collaborations are an essential part of our work. They provide us with challenging projects that are relevant to industry, while also helping our industry partners realize tangible competitive advantages. Together, Mine Multiphysics and our industry partners have been able to find solutions to important issues and make a positive impact on industry and society.

We have a successful history of collaboration with industry, and we always welcome new opportunities to collaborate on challenging projects. We are eager to help our partners become more competitive in their fields, and can provide expertise in a broad range of areas within mine-mechanical fields: from energy, ventilation, ground freezing, slurry/paste transport, materials handling, drying, mixing, microwave-rock-tool interaction, multiphysics modeling and the many areas in between.

How to work with us

When you collaborate with us, you significantly multiply your company’s research dollars. When you enter a research agreement, you gain access to our expertise and facilities and top graduate and undergraduate students. Collaboration can accelerate your research and development, and provide access to grants that leverage your company’s research dollars.

We have access to a wide range of grants to match, partially match, supplement, or fund industry projects. Collaborative research can significantly leverage your research budget. There is no single template for a successful research partnership. The subject, scope, degree of involvement, funding, and intellectual property agreements are negotiated and approved in advance – you can be confident about working alongside our researchers. We will guide you through the process of starting a partnership.

Access funding through research collaborations

Examples of available grants

These links are examples of grants we can access. We will advise you on the most appropriate grants, and lead the grant application process.

NSERC Alliance

Alliance grants encourage university researchers to collaborate with partner organizations, which can be from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors. These grants support research projects led by strong, complementary, collaborative teams that will generate new knowledge and accelerate the application of research results to create benefits for Canada.



Idea to Innovation (I2I) grants are designed for highly promising R&D projects with recognized technology transfer potential. In providing assistance in the initial stages of technology validation and market connection, the grant aims to accelerate the development of the technology and promote its transfer to a Canadian company.



The Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship supports science and engineering graduates, and allows them to gain research experience in the industry while taking advanced studies in Canada. The scholarship allows for collaboration between graduate students, a faculty supervisor, and a co-supervisor from a sponsoring organization in industry.



Mitacs Canada is a non-profit national research organization that supports research partnerships between Canada and international partners, and also provides funding to research internships between Canadian universities and industry. The organization manages and leads major research projects across Canada through its various programs, such as Accelerate, Elevate and Globalink.


Contact us

For more information, please contact Prof. Sasmito via his email: